Monday, April 12, 2010

How can I meet new people? (Friendship or relationship)?

25yo; I graduated from College, and was instantly separated from the friends I'd known for years. They moved back to their perspective hometowns or moved for work. I moved home too; highschool friends also gone.

I go out lots. I work 2 different jobs around lots of people, I am also in school, I go to the gym, parks, not to mention just general public places (malls, Wal-mart, etc.) But it seems like I never meet anyone. Like in terms of meeting guys, either. I haven't dated in years and I just feel like I'm always at home alone. I don't go clubbing, but like I said, I go lots of other places. I dress up and look good, but never noticed. Also, how to make new friends. What to do!??

How can I meet new people? (Friendship or relationship)?
im like you except i lost most friends from high school when i graduated.... just make some efforts to make friends with the people around you. You make friends by talking to people. If you are already talking to the people around at the places you go to and stuff.. just be more friendly and try to start conversations with you....


1 comment:

  1. Hi - one suggestion I could make for you is rather than just going out to public places, go out for an activity where you will be put in a group of people, thus increasing the chances you'll get to talk to people sharing a similar interest and make friends.

    This could be volunteering, a workshop, or a class, as some examples. The gym is great, however if you haven't had any luck there, try something else - figure out your interests (cooking, crafts, skiing, etc) and then go to places that offer these activities to surround yourself with like-minded people.

    Feel free to check out for more ideas!
