Friday, April 16, 2010

I've recently been broken hearted. How do I meet new people?

I recently broke up with my boyfriend because he cheated on me. We had what I thought was an amazing relationship, but I found out he was just another liar and had to end it. I want to meet new people. I am 20 years old and in college. My college is small and I've already met almost everybody. I want to meet some people outside of my school, but I'm not sure how. I'm not old enough to go to bars yet, and I also am not old enough to join the online dating sites. I don't attend church or any organization like that.

My heart is broken, and to get my mind off my ex, i need to try and meet new people, but I just don't know how to. Please help. I just want to move on :(

I've recently been broken hearted. How do I meet new people?
Instead of jumping into a new relationship, why not find time for yourself? Your 20.. your still young. Enjoy your life.

Do things you enjoy, take up a new hobby.

It'll do you a lot of wonders.
Reply:online dating. try diz
Reply:meeting new people is hard to do especially when you do'nt know who to go with if you dont kno them that well.
Reply:It takes time to get over a broken heart. It is a loss and you do need to have the grieving period and not rush into something else right away. You mention that you don't go to church but you might want to think about it. It can't do any harm to seek someone higher for guidance. Turn your life over to Him and you won't be making so many mistakes with Him to guide you. Bars are not a good place to meet someone. They all have problems too. I hope this will encourage you.
Reply:One thing to say Boo Boo ""
Reply:you sound nice it should be easy to meet some new people go to the electronic stores are go to like Lowe's.and look around in the hardware are tools sections their bond to be some guys their.
Reply:Just go have some fun with a couple of freinds u like 2 chill wit i do it u will find somebody soon.
Reply:well for starters ive been in that situation with a girl and it took me a while to get over it but i need to move on as well. and if you like to talk and if your in my area i would love to show you a good time and a respectable one if you like you can reach me at
Reply:same way you met him

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