Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Can't seem to meet people that aren't in my normal group, help BESIDES CLUBS AND SPORTS?

I am a 13 year old girl in middle school, I'm uncordinated people. I asked this question already, but I got "join a club or sport"/ "talk to people you want to meet" I can't play sports. I'm already in half of the clubs (there are two clubs. One of them is Anime Club the other is Drama and they didn't start it this year). I have already met everyone that I could possibly have an idea of who they are and they're all so typically the same. The like anime, they skateboard, they don't do sports, they hate preps, they wear black, they think -insert anime character here- is hot, they have an online boyfriend/ boyfriend in our group (at least the girls do), and they twist people's words around to make it seem perverted. There is a branch off of our group that not as many people in our group talk to, but there are a lot more people in our school who talk to them. I try to hang out with them, but they're even MORE perverted than my normal group, and they're pretty much "the wrong crowd".

Can't seem to meet people that aren't in my normal group, help BESIDES CLUBS AND SPORTS?
you may want to consider volunterring instead of the clubs/sports. It sounds like you are tired with the same type of people that are available, and volunterring may give you a different selection group to choose from.

Another option that you have would be to change your routine. sometimes just a little difference in where you sit in class (if you don't have assigned seating) or taking a different route to class or changing your normal afterschool routine will open new doors to different people. You can also look for a study group for a class or team project that you have to do, not only will you learn the subject, you will also get an oportunity to learn more about handling people and working as a team (a skill you will definately need more than you realize right now)

And don't worry, at 13 we are all uncoordinated in more ways than one.
Reply:go on eharmony hahaha

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